World Laughter Day- Releasing Static Energy and Supporting Manipura

May 3, 2020 | Health and Wellbeing


Can you believe it’s already MAY!? I don’t know about you, but I have a sneaky feeling that this month is going to be INCREDIBLE!

And what better of a way to begin the month, than by shedding away the old, stagnant, and negative energy that many of us have been carrying around for the past couple of months!?

World Laughter Day

Today, the first Sunday in May, is World Laughter Day! This day pays homage to the worldwide laughter yoga movement created by Dr. Madam Kataria in 1998. It’s a time for us to let go, celebrate, and indulge in the powerfully  therapeutic practice of laughter. World Laughter Day is an observance of the transformative potential that resides with each and every one of us. For it is through laughter that we can begin to change our mood, reduce anxiety, and find equanimity.

What is Manipura?

Manipura is our third chakra. Located in the solar plexus around our diaphragm, this energetic channel is home to our identity and decision making center. It is here that we assess, filter, and internalize external circumstance and transform it into experience, whether good or bad. Gathering and deciphering subtle energy cues from the world around us is a delicate process that is susceptible to mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual roadblocks. When Manipura becomes blocked, experiences such as frustration, fatigue, lack of motivation, lack of direction, anxiety, laziness, insecurities and self doubt, may begin to show up in our lives.

Clearing Our Third Chakra Through Laugher

It is through our ability to laugh, that we can actively transfer positive energy into our third chakra. Diaphragmatic engagement is like spring cleaning for the spirit. It helps rid ourselves of the energetic clutter that holds us back from feeling confident, comfortable, and happy within our lives. Remember, May is a time to grow, nourish, and thrive! Use today as an opportunity to realign yourself with the optimistic vibration of spring!

Diaphragmatic Breathing aka Deep Belly Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing is another useful technique for releasing stagnation in the body. Pranayama (breath work) can be especially helpful when you’re experiencing symptoms related to a blocked Manipura chakra, such as anxiety. To practice deep belly breathing, follow these 6 easy steps.

  1. Lie down in Savasana (corpse pose) on the floor or on your yoga mat.
  2. Take a deep, cleansing breath
  3. Bring your palms to your lower ribs so that the tips of your middle fingers touch another about two inches below your sternum
  4. Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 4-6. Allow your belly to rise and your middle fingers to separate
  5. Exhale for an equal count allowing your belly to fall and your middle fingers to meet again.
  6. Repeat for 5 minutes

This focused breath may take you a few rounds to get right. Throughout our day and in times of stress our bodies have a tendency to revert to what’s called reverse breathing. Reverse breathing is a shallow breath that mostly resides in the chest and does not fully engage the diaphragm. Deep belly, diaphragmatic breathing can help correct reverse breathing and promote a sense of ease within the body. This style of pranayama can often make you a little light headed as we are flooding the body with oxygen. Be sure to take a few moments before slowly getting up take some relaxed, and normal breaths.

Other Ways to Support Your Third Chakra

Beyond indulging in laughter or deep belly breathing, here are a few additional things you can do to support your third chakra.

  1. Surround yourself with the color yellow. Yellow represents our third chakra and is associated with healing and balance. Wearing yellow, adding yellow decorations to a room, or meditating on the color yellow are all great ways to stimulate Manipura.
  2. Get outside. Spending time in the sun can have a profound healing effect. Third chakra’s element is fire; therefore, spending time in the presence of natural heat can be extremely beneficial for opening the solar plexus’s energy channel.
  3. Affirmations. As mentioned earlier, our third chakra houses our sense of self. Using positive affirmations that focus on self-acceptance, self-worth, and confidence can also be a useful tool for supporting Manipura. I recommend starting with an “I am…” statement
  4. Eat nourishing foods. Food can be another great way to support this chakra. In particular…
    1. Yellow foods-banana, corn, peppers, pineapple, chamomile, and lemon
    2. Spices- Turmeric, ginger, cumin, and cinnamon
    3. Whole grains- oats, rice, and farro

So enjoy today, laugh often, and decide to honor your sense of self!

I wish each and every one of you nothing but the best! Happy World Laughter Day!


Did you enjoy this post? Let me know in the comments below!

Looking for more guidance on how to cultivate balance within yourself? Check out my post on guiding yourself back into alignment here

Best wishes,

Britt Anderson- Creator of The Morning Bird







About me

Hi! I'm Britt, creator of The Morning Bird!

I love all things health and wellness and am most passionate about helping people connect to their happiest, healthiest selves! I am here to share information, recipes, and coaching services to health conscious individuals looking to create a vibrant life!

Find out more about me here




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