Hi! I’m Britt, creator of The Morning Bird! Welcome to my page!

I believe in a functional and holistic approach to health and wellness and am passionate about helping people optimize their health through simple lifestyle changes!

Most days you can find me dancing in my kitchen, on a walk while listening to my favorite podcasts, hanging out with my boyfriend Erik, stepping on my yoga mat, or at the gym getting my sweat on! As an IIN Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Yoga Teacher, Certified Orangetheory Fitness Coach, and pursuing my Masters in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, this site is a hub for tricks, tips, recipes, information and hacks designed to boost energy, motivation, heal your gut, and overall make you feel radiant and refreshed!

My Health Journey

My affinity for health and wellness began at a young age rooted in Native American teachings focused on the healing capability of the Earth, and was inspired by my mother’s ability to combat symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis with grace. While my curiosity about the interconnectedness of all aspects of the human experience intensified early on, it wasn’t until my own encounter with depression that I began to understand the importance of addressing all facets of health rather than the respective symptoms.

Rewind to 2013, I was beginning my first year of college at the University of Colorado Boulder and was struck with a sudden lapse of depression. I had anxiety about not being at home for my mom and nana, was in a long-distance relationship, was settling into a brand new environment and soon I found myself not leaving my dorm, struggling to get out of bed, battling negative thought patterns and ultimately did not recognize myself.

I knew something had to change. I began to turn to exercise for a boost of endorphins and ended up relying on it so much that I would be in the gym for 2 hours plus just escaping my mind. I was put on an antidepressant despite my reservations towards them which led to weight gain, sleep issues, and gut problems. In 2014 I decided to move to Fort Collins, CO to join CSU’s Health and Exercise Science program.

While completing my undergraduate at Colorado State University, I became enamored with learning more about applied holistic health with an ever-expanding interest in the role of nutrition and was ultimately able to move past my dark phase. I got off of my anti-depressants, established a healthier diet focused on healing my gut, fixed my sleep issues, established a healthier relationship with exercise, and returned to my normal, happy, positive self.

Since that time, I have found a passion in helping others optimize their health through an individualized and integrative approach based on the foundation that there is no “one size fits all” equation for wellbeing. I am an advocate for owning your story and believe that we have the power to make the changes we wish to see in our lives.

My 4 Mottos in life

Listen to your body

Everything works out the way it’s suppose to

Be confident in being yourself

Choose happiness

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