Interested in a customized health and wellness plan?

Does this sound familiar?

Its Sunday afternoon, you are sitting at home saving healthy ideas on pinterest, planning out how you are going to start transforming your health, and are feeling determined that Monday will be the pivotal point in your health journey where everything changes. Your going to eat cleaner, and exercise five times a week, and cut out sugar, and eat more veggies, and drink more water, and go to yoga more, and, and, and…

Flash forward to the next Sunday, you’re sitting at home thinking back on your week. You only worked out one time, didn’t drink as much water as you wanted to, ate poorly including the bag of chips you are currently ⅔ of a way eaten through and are feeling overwhelmed, a sense of failure and are now wanting to start fresh on Monday but this time with more discipline. 

Living a healthy lifestyle does not have to be a vicious cycle of start and restart. I am here to help you ease into the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of without the struggle. Through 1-on-1 nutrition and wellness programming you will be provided with support and guidance as we navigate your  journey to feeling more energized, balanced, and confident in your body. Together, we will create a personalized plan that encompasses your ideal combination of food, movement, self care, and sustainable habits.

What’s included:

  1. Three months of coaching, mentoring, and support
  2. Six 1-on-1 skype or in person sessions (available only to those in Fort Collins)
  3. Unlimited Email support
  4. A range of resources tailored to your success throughout the program ( recipes, supporting research, products, videos, ect. )

Enroll now for Holistic Wellness coaching and get ready to experience the following benefits

  1. Increased energy levels
  2. A healthy relationship with food and your body
  3. An understanding of your food cravings
  4. Reduced stress and anxiety
  5. Feeling Confident 
  6. Clarity on goals, intentions, and ways to manifest
  7. Better sleep 
  8. Improved gut health
  9. Radiant skin
  10. Better fitness routines 
  11. Feeling in tune with your body
  12. Sense of empowerment in your lifestyle choices

Why work with Britt?

I am a hustler of the highest order and let me tell you, finding balance within health and wellness is something not lost on me. I have experienced my own struggles and frustrations with nutrition, stress, and gut health, and while I may not be perfect (because let’s be honest… who is?) I have found and continue to improve upon lifestyle choices that have added abundance to my world. I am excited to help you connect to your intuitive self and unlock the key to your health and wellbeing. 

A little about my background and continuing education: 

  1. I received my bachelor’s degree in Health and Exercise Science in 2017 from Colorado State University.
  2. I graduated from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2018 and have been working with clients in the Fort Collins area ever since. 
  3. I am a certified 200 Hour Yoga instructor and have been teaching yoga, mindfulness, and meditation for 6 years.
  4. I am currently working on my Master’s in Nutrition and Functional Medicine through The University of Western States
  5. I am currently a coach at Orangetheory Fitness, teach yoga at YogaPod Fort Collins, Conduct Holistic Wellness Coaching Sessions, and see clients 1-on-1 for personal training.

Who is this program for?

This program is perfect for those who:

  • Are ready to start making healthy lifestyle changes but don’t know where to start
  • Are feeling disconnected from their body, mind, or self and don’t know why
  • Are experiencing issues with gut health, skin, stress, and/or anxiety
  • Are not seeing the results they desire from a current routine
  • Are ready to establish healthier lifestyle habits such as nutrition, fitness, self care, etc without frustration
  • Are ready to feel more confident and comfortable in their skin!

Interested in working together? 

Get in touch via my contact page to arrange a free call


What is a Health Coach?

A health coach is a supportive mentor who works one-on-on with clients to optimize personal health through food, lifestyle and behavioral changes. 

Why Hire a Health Coach?

A health coach takes time to listen to you, your concerns, and your desires. They address the entire body, help you discover where and why you are struggling, and provide support as you navigate contradictory health and nutritional advice. Ultimately, a health coach will help you figure out what works best for YOUR body through an individualized and personalized plan. 

I Want to Sign Up but How Do I Justify the Price?

Investing in your health and wellness is one of the greatest things we can do for ourselves that has the highest reward. This program is all about you and your success! You are investing in a happier, more content, enriched life, while learning how to navigate bad habits, negative thought patterns, and to discover what is holding you back from achieving the life of your dreams!